Serves&Support is a non-profit organization aimed at promoting growth and connection within the tennis community. We connect young players to experienced hitting partners and extending a helping hand to those in need. Our goal is to connect players, promote cooperation, and make a positive impact on the lives of aspiring athletes and the rest of the community.
At Serves&Support, we recognize the impact of tennis in building character and bridging connections between amazing individuals. We believe that every player should have access to resources and opportunities that can help them in their athletic journeys. Through our extensive network of experienced hitting partners, we provide a platform for players to connect, learn from one another, and take their skills to the next level. Meanwhile, we also believe that it is our duty as citizens to help make a difference in the lives of others, especially those under less fortunate circumstances. Thus, we are committed to donating all of the money from this initiative to charity.
Join Serves&Support today and experience the joys of tennis, connection, and making a difference!
We are a group of tennis players from around San Diego. This sport is something that we consider to be an essential part of our daily lives and feel the need to spread the joy of the amazing sport to the rest of our community.
Meaningful Work

Connecting players and hitters in the community
We connect aspiring and interested tennis players to hitters across San Diego County, matching them based on skill level and experience, using accurate ratings to help us ensure that not only do all the players learn and become better tennis players by the day, but that they also have fun and love the sport.
Helping Those Who Need Us Most
We charge a small fee to those who find hitters using this network, but 100% of that fee will be donated to charity.
Every two months, a receipt will be sent to all those who use Serves&Support, both hitters and players, of how much money was donated to each charity.